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Monday, February 29, 2016


When love is for strangers
and the past has no echo
Nowhere to return 
Lovers can feel free to forecast the future
No chance of regret,
forgetting about those who came before
Then there are those who have had no previous dalliances
Everything is new and green with just the
storybook expectations that use to keep them hopeful at night
What if he doesn't believe her
because he had never met a beautiful virtuous mature lady before
Will he spend his time brooding over a past
When their wasn't one
Questioning her about the boys she new before him
The ones who had scared her away
Never sharing her sweet elixir that smelled like the earth after it rained

Monday, February 22, 2016

For Cynthia

She has lost her lover, he has passed away
A sudden silence has penetrated her soul
All she feels is a rapid heartbeat and tears
All the mind wants to hear is a voice, his voice
Telling her to one day seek the peace he has now found
That she will find it in the memories of the tenderness of his eyes
And she will be with him again whenever she closes hers
Finding tranquility in these waves of reflection
No love can ever be taken, it transforms



Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Why I Cry

When there's no colour, I get the blues
Seeing power with no morals -
Beware of the water
Hearing racist blurbs on talk radio
while the war goes on
Another brother killed by authority 
with no consequences other than a pay check
City money for stadiums but not to feed the poor
The bullying in social media
Gossiping to destroy any character she had left
Succumbing to lust over love -
The death of loyalty
When there's no colour, I get the blues

Gales of Devotion

The brontide of our thunderous romance makes me appreciate when your love reigns
Relieving the fire that the lightening had sparked
We always clean up after the storm
Do you stay and fight or leave and be free?
It's the memories within that hold us
I remember cooking a four cheese lasagna together on Saturday's 
A recipe we found in a book from Goodwill
Bellies full, glasses empty and happy
You are my home in the path of the storm
Will we survive?

Sunday, February 7, 2016

My New Poetry Book

My new poetry book Something In The Way
available at Amazon