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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Like Mother, Like Daughter

For a daughter,
a mother's love must be soft
Tenderly, let your daughter know that you believe in her
and will trust her
From then on she'll have confidence to tame the wind
while being as free as the waves in the ocean
Tell her to never sacrifice her dreams only her nightmares
And if she ends up with someone like her father
make sure you are the woman you want her to become

Monday, April 11, 2016

Rime of Winter

Like watching for a Canadian winter to turn into spring, all of me waits for all of you.
This year both are delayed.
Another season of hurting, can't let the coldness go
Our words burn as the icy air
and loyalty becomes a slippery slope
Curl up to my heart, it will keep you warm
If you could only resist playing in the snow

Thursday, April 7, 2016

If you have purchased my poetry book " Something In The Way", please feel free to leave a review on Amazon.com or Goodreads.com. 
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Monday, April 4, 2016

Always Had A Soft Spot For You

Love being soft
My smooth, creamy and salty wondrousness
Softness,not fragility
Tender and porous, easy to slip on and slip off
You need a heart, a centre to be soft, it makes you flexible
So I've always had a soft spot for you
You are Jay- Z with Radiohead
A lover with smooth, curious hands
I wrap you with my tenderness
and want you to stay
Others may say my softness makes me dim
I say I am bright because I give you light

Friday, April 1, 2016

A Lesson To Cry

I push rocks in the desert
and no one can see me
I leave no trace of footsteps
Just dragged dirt behind the stones
The sun does not enter me because I'm in another realm
I existed on this earth long ago
and everyday I cried over you
Until I drowned in a pool of my tears
and woke up in a wasteland 
It is a lesson to cry