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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Snow in Egypt

I had a warm heart but it is starting to cool
Tired of keeping misery company
Then I start to burn up again when I see the snow in Egypt
I feel the environment
Even a desert can cool

Never forget to say....

I'm sorry
Let's share
You are beautiful
Thank you
I love you



ill love

I promise to love you forever
Yes , it can be tough
But I know your heart was in the right place
We grew up with so much dysfunction that sometimes we don't know how to act
I can't remember the last time I was selfish
And it's other people's selfishness that has affected us
This world is cold
I still have a warm heart but it is starting to cool
While others live for themselves I still live with positivity
Everyone makes their decisions
Why can't I
I dream of a place 
Not infected by fury
A safe and happy place
Where our hearts never eat caviar
While our love starves
Is that too much too ask?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Pen the Deluge

Sweaty grey skies
Teary brown eyes
Hear the rumble in the distance
Caught up in my own existence
Only sheltered by my dreams
While wading through the streams
Trying not to sink
The water turns to ink
Trying to float on my thoughts
In nets made of paper,
I am now caught
Vessels of ideas rescued me
So I give them to you 
and I am set free

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Sweet mandarin kisses
Lost in love
Warm butterflies in my stomach
Feelings from heaven above
I cannot pretend
I just want to see you again
Say 'Water is God'
And I will quench your thirst
We will immerse ourselves in it
And bathe in the sunburst
Music becomes light
When you touch my body right
Exposed to the vibration
You are my libation

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Mental Muse

My sharpened blades skate on your icicle heart
I fight the acid tears that fall from stone eyes
Never shall I breakdown again
Cloaked in an armour of titanium
Your words bounce off me
Even if I fall
I will get up again
Duelling to be happy
The crusade is neverending
Everyone has the right to cherish the day
You may pay the tax for my amenities
But you do not own flesh and blood when they are branded and left empty handed

He Was the Son

Born the son
He was the one
Took on an empire
Atoned us of our desires
Talked of a higher power
Made the mighty cower 
Put the elite in check
Made the power vex
Gave life to the meek and pour
He was righteous and adored
Never fought a war
Peaceful to the core
Then came the eve
When he was deceived
Beaten and bloodied
His life is now studied
In this month of December
We should all remember

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Soul Energy

My soul energy guides my subconcious
Never let the negativity penetrate it
To decode what is real and what is imagined raises the stakes
It does not laugh or cry, just takes in what is brought to it
However if we are to succeed in this world
I must be careful to not succumb to it
Like the roots of a tree, it is their but cannot be seen
The subconscious can nourish or devourer my soul energy
It can lock or open the door to change so mind your habits
Subconsciously you cannot decipher the
pessimistic emotions so keep your thoughts positive
Resolve your fears
Keep mindful of your dreams they are bytes from your soul energy
This is how you can control the subconscious
Everything you put out there you will experience it as your own
Karma dictates your soul energy
If you want to come to that higher level let your conscious be moral 
It will dictate your soul energy and lead you to a higher level of self actualization
Achieving peace and wisdom in the now to rewrite the program of the future

The previous poem is not my life but it is for many women. Domestic abuse should never be accepted by anyone.  Please pray for the victims of the Montreal massacre.



Over ( For the used and abused)

I am tender
Not your gender
Use your lips
Not your fists
Walk with me
Talk to me
We can reach a solution
Call a resolution
I am in despair
You were not fair
You wore a frown
I did not back down
In the light of day
You got your way
But I still think
It was because of the drink
They say "all is fair, in love and war"
But I'll never replace that new dress you tore
Never wanted this
Won't be repaired with a kiss
I still remember
when it was bliss
Now I am going
Packed my clothing
Never again, I say
Now I got my way

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


For the ones that hurt
Don't look to the afterlife for truth
Create heaven here on earth
Cherish those who heal and take away the sorrow
There is a star for each life that has past
And it shines for you
Divineness is in the distance where dreams flourish
Hope shall be your guide

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Come love, with rain and motion
Make me wet within the mist
Call me your sacred treasure
Hidden in the depths of the canyons
Fight for me with your sword and tongue
Follow my footprints and find me in the desert
We will bury our pain in the sand
Then float away with the flood
Rescued by our devotion

Monday, December 2, 2013

Look Up

Kernels of truth taken with a grain of salt
My angel bears no scars of time upon her face
Feel the velvet stroke of longing
Talk to me when we cannot sleep
The birds should have flown away long ago
We are both playing catch up
Numb my pain with one word
I cease to try when there is no understanding
Holding on to the light 
Guided by the night

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Eternal Now

Good know good
We both have pain in common
Do what you should
It' not so uncommon
Succumb to the laughter
Survive another disaster

Love know love
Feel it like the wind
Learn to rise above
Let the search begin
Find the everlasting
Listen when your heart sings

Peace know peace
Ease into the quiet
This life is a lease
Time to stop the riot

Time know time
Left to your perception
To waste it is a crime
That it exists
A misconception