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Monday, December 9, 2013

The Soul Energy

My soul energy guides my subconcious
Never let the negativity penetrate it
To decode what is real and what is imagined raises the stakes
It does not laugh or cry, just takes in what is brought to it
However if we are to succeed in this world
I must be careful to not succumb to it
Like the roots of a tree, it is their but cannot be seen
The subconscious can nourish or devourer my soul energy
It can lock or open the door to change so mind your habits
Subconsciously you cannot decipher the
pessimistic emotions so keep your thoughts positive
Resolve your fears
Keep mindful of your dreams they are bytes from your soul energy
This is how you can control the subconscious
Everything you put out there you will experience it as your own
Karma dictates your soul energy
If you want to come to that higher level let your conscious be moral 
It will dictate your soul energy and lead you to a higher level of self actualization
Achieving peace and wisdom in the now to rewrite the program of the future