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Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Love can be a game

So give it another name

Love can be an illusion

So come to your own conclusion

Think of it as chance

Two hearts waiting to dance

Think of it as faith

Two hearts in such a haste

Two find each other and share

Life's cosmic drink, a dare


Men can be funny

They can be such a bore

They keep getting me confused with
the Madonna and the whore

Men't can't take a joke

They can be funny

They tell me i am PMSing
and get hopped up like a bunny

Men can be childish

Act like someone you bore

Keep trying to read your mind
and find out what your for

Men can be silly

They can lack self-esteem

Look down at their pants
and ask if there's something you need

Men can be scary

Test your patience on a dare

Dash all your dreams

And make you more aware