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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Be wealthy with what money can't buy
I understand why some don't care to be rich
They do not want to succumb to the rat race
The politics of work
The greed of big business
Maybe they do not want stuff and wear someone else's name on their chest
They do not need the stress and the anxiety of being in a toxic environment again and again
It makes you so tired and sick then sick and tired
I do not want to return home at night with
a scowl on my face 
Irritated with life 
I may have no fortune but I am fortunate
The politicians may want you to feel guilty
for spending their tax dollars
But they are the guilty and corrupt
Many of them have never lived below the poverty line because they were lucky to be born into affluence provided by lies and selfishness
All people want is their dignity
Why can't someone on welfare be just as proud of themselves as a CEO
Both have to use their intelligence to survive while being accused of doing nothing
So on this day be truly thankful for what you have and for what money can't buy you

